Be Thankful In This Moment — Davidson Consulting & Coaching

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Be Thankful In This Moment

Gratitude in the now

Gratitude in the now

On the eve of this Thanksgiving, most of our minds turn toward what we are thankful for or grateful for.  That is a wonderful practice that we would do well to do more often. However, there are many people who have situations where it can be quite difficult to find something to be thankful "for".  Furthermore, we all have days when we don't feel very thankful. Perhaps, on this Thanksgiving Day, we can make a commitment to work at making thankfulness or gratitude part of who we are, versus something we do. Perhaps we can learn to be thankful in our lives - in every moment of our lives.

It sounds like a stretch, doesn't it?  Yet, I have spent time today listening to stories or reading accounts of people who have learned to do this very thing. It makes me feel a little small when I realize that I am really good at being thankful or grateful when life is treating me well, but when times are tough for whatever reason, I can easily turn away from thankfulness to grumbling and muttering. Life doesn't feel very good when I live it from a grumbling, ungrateful place. I'd like to challenge each of you to practice finding a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness in all the moments of your life. Each moment is truly the only thing we have; nothing beyond the current moment is promised to any of us.  Sound crazy? Maybe ... I plan on giving it a try and invite you to join me.