19 Days and Counting

19 days into the new year and I have ROCKED my COMMIT 30 challenge every day so far.

The rest of this post is going to be me bragging about my 19 days of commitment, so you may want to stop right here! But if you are looking for a list of “30” things to do, keep reading!

30 is just a number, but the difficulty of the number is dependent on what it is attached to. Some of the 30s I’ve completed in the last 19 days were easy and some were really hard, and in every case 30 felt like it was just the right amount.

·        Went to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal (easy)

·        Got up 30 minutes early and didn’t look at my phone until I’d been up at least 30 minutes (harder)

·        I spent 30 minutes planning my week (hard because I usually spend more time, so I learned to focus and stick to it and 30 minutes really was enough)

·        Work out for 30 minutes (easy peasy)

·        Donate $30 to a local cause (it was good for me to identify a local cause)

·        Read something fun (not a work mag or book) for 30 minutes (loved this one)

·        Purge 30 things (SO easy) I should do this every week!

·        Have a 30-minute date night (went to dinner with a friend to meet her Dad at a care center- it was delightful)

·        Drink at least 64 oz of water (SO HARD for me)

·        Stretch for 30 minutes (seemed like it would be too long, but it went fast and felt awesome)

·        Connect with someone who you miss (I don’t like the phone, so this is hard, so I wrote a card to my mentor instead)

·        Do a Random Awesome Deed (easy – I love doing these things - I bought a zoo pass for one of our kids’ families)

·        Drink warm water with lemon to start the day (it was easy once, but I’ like to try for 30 days)

·        Say no to something that someone else can do that will give you back 30 minutes (hard for me to delegate, but a good practice)

·        Say yes to 30 minutes for something fun because you delegated something else yesterday (I have a hard time doing fun during the work week, but I did play piano for 30 minutes)

·        Meditate for 30 minutes (SO HARD) I can’t meditate for 2 minutes let alone 30.  However, I did quietly reflect and practice some slow breathing for 15 minutes in the morning and again at night.  Those felt like the longest 15-minute segments of my life.

·        Spend 30 minutes cleaning out my Inbox (easy and fun and felt great as I had gotten a bit behind)

·        Meal plan for 30 minutes (fun) We are headed to Hawaii in a week so I spent 30 minutes exploring good places to eat on Kauai

·        Spend 30 minutes on something you’ve been putting off (easy as I always have a list of things I’ve been putting off)

In addition to my Commit 30 challenge, I am constantly thinking about whether something is enough or not. It was below zero early this week and I didn’t want to take the dogs for a walk.  They had been trapped in the house all day and looked at me with those sappy eyes, so I caved. It was only 20 minutes with each dog, but it was enough. The fresh air woke me up, the dogs got some exercise and some good sniffs, and my hands didn’t freeze.  That little walk reminded me that just doing something can be enough!


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